Learn how to set up IRC app in old java phone and latest smartphones having android ios and apple (ios) for mobile chatting.
Here, we will learn how to configure ChatSansar IRC Network in mobile devices.
We recommend you use SSL / TSL port: 6697 for Chatsansar IRC for secure connection. So, tick the SSL / TLS encryption if your chat app has the option.
Tutorial / Instructions.
First of all, we suggest you to download UtaIRC or MtvIRC from java-ware.net
We will choose here UtaIRC app for example.
After you download and install the application in your J2me mobile, Go to your Games and Applications settings.
Open UtaIRC app and Go to Menu >> Profiles >> Add.
Profile: chatsansar (This is your profile name, can be anything)
Nick: Gopal (Put your chat nickname / username)
Alternate nick: Gopal2 ( Incase, your nick "Gopal" is already in use )
Server: irc.chatsansar.com ( Recommended, the servername should be same )
Port: 6667 (You can put this 8867 if it doesn't work)
Perform Lover: ( Leave it blank for now, it's for advance use )
Username: sam@gmail.com (Your email address)
Realname: Samay Thapa (Real name)
Codepage: Windows / UTF (You don't need to worry about this)
Server password: nepali99 (Your nick password only if you registered)
In MtvIRC app (It's almost similar with just some additional configuration)
Nickserv password: nepali99 (Your registered nick password)
Channels: #Nepal (This is our Nepal chat room channel name)
Quit Message: i am away ( Your Logout message )
Then, it's almost done, Don't forget to "SAVE" your Profile / Press ok or Done .
Go to Menu and press ok.
Then your Profile is Loaded called ChatSansar.
Again, Go to MENU and Press CONNECT.
Then things begin to load up........... And your are Connected!
To change nick: Type /nick newnick
To register nick: /ns register password email
To identify to nick: /identify password
There are lots of modern IRC apps for Android and iOS phones. There are also some IRC apps for Windows phones. IRC Configuration is similar as above and is easy.
You can also download our ChatSansar app on Google Play Store which is our official chat app.
ChatSansar app for Apple or iOs devices is coming soon. Visit our App page.
For Android phones (Play Store):
Download AndroIRC and IRCCloud (free and recommended)
For Apple or iOs phones (App Store):
Download Igloo, Circio and IRCCloud (free and recommended)
For Windows phones (Microsoft Store):
Download Pocket IRC (free and recommended)
Chat & Other Links
Pakistan-chat.com is a new Pakistani chatting site of Pakistan
RamailoSansar.com is a Nepali forum and ramailo sansar community to discuss and post.
NepalChat.xyz is new Nepali chat room of Nepal with voice and video chatting.
Evolution-Host.com is hosting company for VPS and Game servers with DDoS protection.